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Finding the right composers

 Hey Gems. 

Welcome to another installment of the inner workings on my mind. This time it's how I picked my partners for this project. And y'all already know how this goes. So let's get it into this Gems.

For this project I'm working with Karina and Madeleine. For most project Madeleine and I work together so for this one of course it was an easy choice. Working with Karina honestly come from her being friends with Madeleine. So it was kinda like all the dots connecting. I truly believe the work ethic is there for every member. And that we will balance each other out. Making for an ideal group, if I do say do myself. 

The song we will be using is 'Are we still friends' by Tyler, the creator. We chose this song because of the dramatic vibes of the song. This is going to create a storyline just as dramatic. With lyrics of it just screams yo be interpreted into a dramatic music video. We all have these visions and they seem to be mixing very well. Old friends, new rivals. The ideas are going but you'll have to hear all about in my next blog.

Shine bright Gems.


Makenna Jewels <3


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