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Planning; Location, Participants, Health and Schedule

Welcome back Gems. Today's blog is the nitty gritty basically the less interesting but just as important stuff. Let's get into that. 

The location where we will be filming is the South Florida Fair, located in West Palm Beach.

Only our group members will be the actors in the movie; Karina Sanchez as Veronica, Jessica played by Madeleine Merrick and Makenna Ricks as Amanda/Stalker. The other people at the fair will work as extras however they will not be important. The film will be directed by Patrisha Alkaline, edited by Karina Sanchez and filmed by Jennifer Hernandez .

To ensure safety, there will be an adult with us while we are filming. Said adult will be observing us. We will also have our phones on us so we can be contact at all times. And have access to emergency services if needed.  We will also be filming in a public area. Fair employees and security will also posted around the fair. 

Jan. 24, 2024 We will meet at the fair, leaving at 4:30 pm, to arrive at the fair by roughly 5:30 to 6 pm. We will film all of the scenes. We will also will practical edit the opening scene. We will conclude filming at around 9pm.

Jan. 26 - Feb 2 We will review the recorded footage and again continue editing. The scene will be placed in the correct order and the basic opening titles will be added. Any need voiceovers will be add. 

Feb 5- Feb 11 We will clean up the scenes with needed editing  and, if need, filters.  And add the final design for the opening sequence .

Feb 13- Feb 19 We will have have a finished product ready for the final stage of editing and for the music to be added 

Feb 22- Mar 3  We review the film as a group as anything we think that will improve the project. And check for any mistakes that might have been made in post production.

Mar 5 - Mar 9 The film will once again be checked for any errors made, peer review. And all the final touches will be added.

Mar 10- Mar 15 The final film will be uploaded to Blogger.

Well Gems there you have it. All the information need for a functioning movie just not as fun. I’ll see y’all in the next one.


Makenna Jewels <3


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