Welcome back Gems. As you all know I finally put my commercial out there into the world. So know it's time to reflect on it so I can improve for the next time I have something like this. So grab a mirror, so I'm not the only one reflecting and let's get into this. As we have previously talked about this was my first time editing so there were many things I've never done before. I also have never embedded a video before so I've learned the process of doing that which is easier that it. For my next project I know the basic of editing and some tricks I picked up on during this experience. I also can improve on my closing title sequence as it was a little choppy. These things can be improved with practice. The ability to persevere, even the music stops, is something that has to be built upon and this commercial is the foundation. Blogging for the time I thought I wasn't going to enjoy it but here I am loving blogging. Honestly I've learned so many things that ...